Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How To Write an Email Newsletter Step #1

Your Newsletter’s Value Proposition

The first step to writing an email newsletter is to choose a value proposition. Certainly, you love your business or whatever the newsletter is about, but you shouldn't expect your subscribers to take time out of their busy days to read your newsletter without there being some benefit for them.

One of the biggest mistakes new email marketers make when starting their newsletter is to make the whole newsletter an informational piece about their own business. I hate to break it to you, but unless you’re a large multinational brand, nobody really cares about the latest clients you got or the newest service you launched. Not that your newsletter shouldn’t include these details, but it does mean that you have to add something else that is subscriber focused.

For example, what if you not only tell your subscribers that you launched a new product or service, but you also offered them an exclusive 20% discount on that same service. Or, along with company news, include a special report each month.

Your value proposition, then, should be something in your newsletter that is meant to benefit your subscribers in some way, and this should be chosen before you start your email newsletter. Simply adding in a free report, periodic discounts or contests can boost the success of your email newsletter right off the bat, and can ensure that they read your company news as well.

Oh, and remember to advertise your value proposition on your subscriber sign up form, don’t keep it a secret.

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